Drink from the Well.
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Coming Out
Join Dr. Adrianne Pinkney in celebrating Pride Month as she shares insights on the transformative journey of "coming out" in different facets of life. From personal experiences to universal truths, discover the courage and authenticity of embracing one's true self and living out loud.
The Benefits of Gratitude
Thanksgiving isn't just a time for feasting; it's a golden opportunity to foster gratitude, which has been scientifically shown to enhance our relationships, health, and overall well-being. Dive into these insightful tips from Dr. Adrianne Pinkney on how embracing gratitude can transform your Thanksgiving into the best one yet.
The Friendships we Choose
During a tumultuous period in my life, I surrounded myself with friends who mirrored my messy behaviors—from enabling to dishonesty. Yet, as I embarked on a journey of personal growth, the dynamics of these friendships began to change. I gravitated toward those who inspired and supported my quest for a better self, and gradually, my circle evolved. This transition was about finding new friends, transforming existing relationships, and discovering communities that fostered my development, like my Sister Circle and Al-Anon.
Last week, I lost my wallet and my sense of control. As I frantically searched, my emotions ranged from anger to despair, reflecting my desperate mindset. Yet, it was only after reaching a state of surrender that I found my wallet—hidden in a rarely used suitcase pocket. This experience taught me an invaluable lesson about how our emotional state can cloud our perceptions and hinder our efforts. Sometimes, letting go and finding peace amidst chaos allows us to see solutions in front of us all along.
A Voyage To Israel
I recently returned from a transformative journey in Israel, an adventure filled with profound spiritual encounters—from praying at the Western Wall to immersing myself in the Jordan River to floating in the Dead Sea. As an Integrative Wellness and Life Coach, I understand the immense value of spiritual wellness. This trip reinforced how spirituality fuels our actions and sustains our mental, emotional, and physical energies. Join me as I share how these experiences can profoundly shape our connection with ourselves and the divine.
b. motivated.
How To Self-Partner
We are constantly with ourselves. Self-partnering is about staying with yourself when with others. The first part of self-partnering involves having a SELF. In this video, you will learn more about how you learned about yourself, learned to deny yourself, and can work to rediscover and support yourself.
How To Set A Boundary
"A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect." Boundaries are loving, they keep us and others safe. When we love ourselves rightly we assert and articulate our boundaries. Learn to set loving boundaries today!
How To Be Seen?
Being seen means being vulnerable and telling your story, being honest, talking about your feelings, and holding the space for yourself. Learn more about how to take up space and get your needs met.
How To Ask
We learn so much when we ask questions! This informative video (with terrible lighting) teaches you how to ask for what you want from a partner, employer, or even from God.
How To Feel Your Feelings
Your feelings matter. Your ability to tune in to your feelings allows you to make the right decisions for your life. Healthy relationships feel good; bad relationships feel bad. Doing the right thing feels good; doing the wrong thing feels bad. However, none of this will affect you if you cannot feel at all.
Identifying Your Trauma Response
At some point in our lives, most of us will experience trauma. When our trauma is inflicted by someone close to us, especially in our formative years, it is easy to stay stuck in our learned response. In this video, you will become more aware of your trauma response.
b. inspired