A Voyage To Israel
I just returned from a life-changing adventure in Israel! While there, I experienced so many amazing things: praying at the Western "Wailing" Wall with people of all races and religions, being baptized in the Jordan River, Climbing Mt. of Olives, floating in the Dead Sea, and meeting amazing people!
As an Integrative Wellness and Life Coach, I coach on four aspects of Wellness: Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual. Today, I will highlight the spiritual aspect of Wellness.
Spirituality is our relationship with God, or a higher power, through our deep connection with self and interconnectedness with nature and others.
Everything that we do is a matter of spirit. Our ability to work, parent children, run marathons, bake cakes, create love, sing, lead companies, and get out of bed is all a matter of spirit. Spirituality brings energy to our physical, mental, and emotional systems. When we are spiritually well, we align with our calling and are consciously moving forward. Spirituality allows you to discover and understand your truth through the perception of your heart. When practicing spirituality, we live congruently with our higher or true selves and align with our purpose, experiencing self-development, connecting to God, higher power, higher self, collective consciousness, or energy.
As an Integrative Wellness Coach, I support you in using your spiritual practice and belief to create the life you are called to experience. Thank you for trusting us to guide you along your journey. I wish you a fantastic week filled with love and light!
Dr. Adrianne R. Pinkney
Integrative Wellness and Life Coach