Benefits of Belief

Merry Christmas! This December, I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of belief, thanks to my three little girls—Isabella, Delilah, and Sofia. Like many kids their age, they believe wholeheartedly in Santa Claus, and we allow this because Louis, their Dad, is Santa. For the last month, I’ve been using their belief in Santa to my advantage! Everyone in our house is determined to stay off the naughty list.

For the past month, I’ve been managing their behavior with reminders like:

  • “You don’t want Santa to see you not following directions!”

  • “Are you being naughty or nice? Remember, Santa’s making a list and checking it twice!”

  • “Do you think Santa Claus will bring Gabby’s Dollhouse to someone who doesn’t eat her dinner?”

It’s probably not my best parenting moment…but with three toddlers we are doing whatever works! What amazes me is how effective this has been. My girls will do almost anything to stay on Santa’s “nice list.” Their belief in him is so strong that it guides their actions without question.

And that got me thinking—aren’t we the same as adults?

We may not believe in Santa Claus, but we hold onto other beliefs that shape how we behave, how we feel, and ultimately, the lives we create.

The Beliefs That Shape Us

Some of the common belief patterns I’ve seen in my coaching clients include:

  • “If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.”

  • “All men cheat.”

  • “Women are crazy.”

  • “Hustle hard.”

These beliefs may feel true because they’ve been reinforced over time—through experiences, upbringing, or even societal narratives. But here’s the thing: just because you believe something doesn’t mean it’s true or that it is serving you.

These thought patterns can create unnecessary stress, reinforce unhealthy relationships, or prevent you from experiencing joy and peace.

Shifting to Healthier Beliefs

In my coaching practice, I help clients uncover these deeply ingrained beliefs and replace them with healthier thought patterns that allow them to experience freedom, happiness, and success.

Here are a few examples of how shifting beliefs can transform lives:

  • A client who believed “If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself” learned to trust others and delegate, which allowed her to grow her business without burning out. She was able to see competencies in others, many which she had previously ignored.

  • A client who believed “All men cheat” worked through past trauma and opened herself to the possibility of love, leading to a happy, healthy relationship. She was able to identify healthy relationships all around her (many that she’d previously dismissed) and see that that her faulty belief system encouraged her to allow bad behavior from men. When she changed her mind, her life change.

  • A client stuck in the “hustle hard” mindset discovered that slowing down actually made her more productive—and more fulfilled. She was able to let go of the belief that hard work was the only way to get ahead. She begin to flow through her life, instead of hustling through.

What Beliefs Are Holding You Back?

As we approach the New Year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the beliefs that are shaping your life. Are they leading you to joy, peace, and growth? Or are they keeping you stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed? Remember, we create our entire lives based on what we believe. Do you like the life you are currently living?

If you’re ready to rewrite your story and create a life rooted in empowering beliefs, I’d love to support you. Coaching sessions for the New Year are open now, and I’d be honored to work with you on this journey.

Let’s make 2024 the year you let go of what no longer serves you and step into a life of intention, balance, and joy.

Click here to sign up for coaching or to learn more

Wishing you a joyful and belief-filled holiday season. Happy Holidays!


Adrianne R. Pinkney
Integrative Wellness and Life Coach and Elf

Adrianne Pinkney

As an Integrative Wellness and Life coach I support clients in healing core issues and negative patterns while empowering them to change their life with effective tools, techniques, and specific action plans. Utilizing a combination of modalities, fields and techniques, or inclusive approaches to empowering, I offer clients the tools to self-heal, overcome and grow toward wholeness, harmony or balance in the entire person: mental, emotional physical, and spiritual. Successful clients gain freedom from the past and overcome habits and patterns that block fulfillment in all areas of their lives.

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