Drink from the Well.

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Adrianne Pinkney Adrianne Pinkney

When Those who Love Us, Hurt Us

Love is a powerful, multifaceted emotion that can sometimes lead to hurt, even among those who care deeply for each other. Dr. Adrianne Pinkney delves into the complexities of love, explaining how fear, insecurities, and personal histories play significant roles in how people express affection and handle relationships. Learn how to navigate these challenges and foster a healthier, more understanding approach to love.

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Adrianne Pinkney Adrianne Pinkney

The Power of Feminine

As we celebrate Women's History Month, we must reflect on the profound impact of feminine energy—not just in women, but as a vital force that everyone can harness. Feminine energy, characterized by nurturing, intuition, and receptivity, offers a unique power often overshadowed by society's emphasis on masculine traits. This month, I dive into the essence of feminine energy, exploring how both men and women can cultivate it to bring about balance and holistic wellness.

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Adrianne Pinkney Adrianne Pinkney

Lessons from the Storm

As hurricane season unfolds, it’s a potent reminder of the storms we encounter, from the literal to the symbolic. Storms, while disruptive, are influential teachers. They bring communities together, change our behaviors, test our foundations, and teach us about resilience. Understanding the lessons storms teach can help us navigate the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges, transforming turmoil into opportunities for growth and deeper connection.

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b. motivated.

How To Self-Partner

We are constantly with ourselves. Self-partnering is about staying with yourself when with others. The first part of self-partnering involves having a SELF. In this video, you will learn more about how you learned about yourself, learned to deny yourself, and can work to rediscover and support yourself.

How To Set A Boundary

"A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect." Boundaries are loving, they keep us and others safe. When we love ourselves rightly we assert and articulate our boundaries. Learn to set loving boundaries today!

How To Be Seen?

Being seen means being vulnerable and telling your story, being honest, talking about your feelings, and holding the space for yourself. Learn more about how to take up space and get your needs met.

How To Ask

We learn so much when we ask questions! This informative video (with terrible lighting) teaches you how to ask for what you want from a partner, employer, or even from God.

How To Feel Your Feelings

Your feelings matter. Your ability to tune in to your feelings allows you to make the right decisions for your life. Healthy relationships feel good; bad relationships feel bad. Doing the right thing feels good; doing the wrong thing feels bad. However, none of this will affect you if you cannot feel at all.

Identifying Your Trauma Response

At some point in our lives, most of us will experience trauma. When our trauma is inflicted by someone close to us, especially in our formative years, it is easy to stay stuck in our learned response. In this video, you will become more aware of your trauma response.


b. inspired